Educational Resources: Rigger - Arena / Theatre

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Take Advantage of the Bibliography Compiled by the ETCP SMEs:
This bibliography is not intended to be a definitive compilation, but merely an additional resource for locating relevant reference materials. If you do not see electrical reference material that should be included in the bibliography, please contact ETCP with the complete bibliography listing information. ETCP makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or content of any of the resources contained in the bibliography.

ESTA's American National Standards
ESTA's published American National Standards are free to download from

ANSI E1.1, Entertainment Technology - Construction and Use of Wire Rope Ladders
. ESTA Technical Standards Program Rigging Working Group

ANSI E1.2, Entertainment Technology - Construction, Use and Maintenance of Aluminum Trusses and Towers. ESTA Technical Standards Program Rigging Working Group

ANSI E1.8, Entertainment Technology - Loudspeaker Enclosures Intended for Overhead Suspension - Classification, Manufacture and Structural Testing. ESTA Technical Standards Program Rigging Working Group

ANSI E1.15 (R2016), Entertainment Technology - Recommended Practices and Guidelines for the Assembly and Use of Theatrical Boom & Base Assemblies. ESTA Technical Standards Program Rigging Working Group

ANSI E1.21, Entertainment Technology - Temporary Structures Used for Technical Production of Outdoor Entertainment Events. ESTA Technical Standards Program Rigging Working Group

Key Resources

Aluminum Structures in the Entertainment Industry. Peter Hind, Entertainment Technology Press, UK, 2005

The Backstage Handbook: An Illustrated Almanac of Technical Information; Third Edition, Paul Carter and George Chiang (Illustrator), Broadway Press, New York NY, 1994

Entertainment Rigging: A Practical Guide for Riggers, Designers and Managers; Harry Donovan, Rigging Seminars, Seattle WA 2002

Handbook for Riggers; Second Edition, W.G. (Bill) Newberry, Newberry Investment Co, Ltd., Calgary Alberta, 1989

HEADS and Tales. Bill Sapsis, Sapsis Rigging, Philadelphia, PA, 2007

Entertainment Rigging for the 21st Century: Compilation of Work on Rigging Practices, Safety, and Releated Topics; 1st Edition, Edited by Bill Sapsis, Philadelphia, PA, 2014.

Rigging for Entertainment; Regulations and Practice. Chris Higgs, Entertainment Technology Press, Cambridge, 2003

Scene Design and Stage Lighting Seventh Edition. W. Oren Parker and R. Craig Wolf, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, Fort Worth TX, 1996

Stage Rigging Handbook Third Edition. Jay O. Glerum, Southern Illinois University Press, Carbondale IL, 2007

Stage Scenery, Its Construction and Rigging Third Edition. A.S. Gillette and J. Michael Gillette, Harper & Row, New York NY, 1988 (Out of Print)

Structural Design for the Stage. Alys E. Holden and Bronislaw J. Sammler, Focal Press, 1991

Wire Rope Sling Users Manual. American Iron and Steel Industry, Wire Rope Technical Board, Stevensville MD, 1990

Wire Rope Users Manual. American Iron and Steel Industry, Wire Rope Technical Board, Stevensville MD, 1990

Additional Resources

The Art of Knotting & Splicing Fourth Edition. Cyrus L. Day, Edited by M. Lee Hoffman Jr. and Ray O. Beard Jr., United States Naval Institute Press, Annapolis MD, 1986

The Artist’s Complete Health and Safety Guide Third Edition. Monona Rossol, Allworth Press, New York NY, 1994

CMC Rope Rescue ManualThird Edition. James A. Frank, CMC Rescue, Inc. Santa Barbara CA, 1998

The Complete Rigger’s Reference Handbook, Mike Riggs, RiggSafe Solutions, 2009.

Developing an Operations Manual for a Performing Arts Facility. Reid Neslage and Dr. Randall A Davidson, 1991

The Event Safety Guide. Health & Safety Executive Books, United Kingdom, 1999

Greening Up Our Houses: A Guide to a More Ecologically Sound Theater. Larry K. Fried and Theresa J. May, Drama Book Publishers, New York NY, 1995

Handbook of Rigging: For Construction and Industrial Operations. W.E.Rossnagel, Lindley R. Higgins, Joseph A. MacDonald (Photographer), W. A. Rossnagel. McGraw-Hill, NY, 1988

Health and Safety Guide for Film, TV and Theatre. Monona Rossol, Allworth Press, New York, NY, 2000

Illustrated Theatre Production Guide. John Holloway (Kindle edition)

Introduction to Fall Protection Third Edition. J. Nigel Ellis Ph.D, CSP, P.E., American Society of Safety Engineers, Des Plaines IL, 1993

An Introduction to Rigging in the Entertainment Industry. Chris Higgs, Entertainment Technology Press, Cambridge, England 2002

The Klutz Book of Knots: How To Tie The World's 24 Most Useful Hitches, Ties, Wraps, and Knots. John Cassidy, The Klutz Press, Palo Alto CA, 1985

Modular Loudspeaker Flying Hardware System. ATM Audio Visual, Gardena CA

On Rope Second Edition. Allen Padgett, Bruce Smith, National Speleological Society, 1997

Pocket Ref Second Edition. Thomas J. Glover, Sequoia Publishing Inc, 1997

A Practical Guide to Health and Safety in the Entertainment Industry. Marco Van Beek, Entertainment Technology Press, Cambridge, 2000

Physics of Theatre: Mechanics. Verda Beth Martell and Eric C. Martell, PhD., Create Space, North Charleston SC, 2015

Rappelling, Second Edition. Tom Martin, SEARCH, Mt Sterling KY, 1988

Results of Stage Rigging Hardware Tests, 1986 through 1991. United States Institute for Theatre Technology, NY, 1991

Riggers Handbook. I & I Sling Co., Inc., Aston PA

Rigging Handbook, Fifth Edition, Jerry Klinke, ACRA Enterprises, Inc., Stevensville, MI, 2007.

Rigging Manual for Iron Workers. International Association Bridge, Structural & Ornamental Iron Workers, AFL-CIO, Washington DC, 1976

Rigging Math Made Simple, Fourth Edition, Delbert Hall, Spring Knoll Press, Johnson City, TN, 2014.

Rope, Knots, Hitches & Splices. Wellington Puritan, Madison GA, 1968

Scene Technology Third Edition. Richard L. Arnold, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs NJ, 1993

Single-Failure-Proof Design for Theatre Safety. Olaf Soot, USITT Journal, 1986

The Splicing Handbook: Techniques for Modern and Traditional Ropes. Barbara Merry (Editor), John Darwin (Contributor), New England Ropes, New Bedford MA, 2000 (Kindle edition)

Stage Specs: A Guide to Legit Theatres. League of American Theatres and Producers, 1990 (Out of Print)

The Stagecraft Handbook. Daniel A. Ionazzi, Betterway Books, Cincinnati OH, 1996

Standard Specifications for Theatrical Rigging. J. R. Clancy, Inc., Syracuse NY, 1988

Strength of Materials, Block and Tackle, Tackle Maintenance. The Crosby Group, Tulsa, OK, 1991

Structures: Or, Why Things Don't Fall Down. J.E. Gordon, Plenum Press, New York, 1978

Technical Design Solutions for Theatre (The Technical Brief Collection, Volume 1). Ben Sammler, Don Harvey

Technical Design Solutions for Theatre (The Technical Brief Collection, Volume 2). Ben Sammler, Don Harvey

Technical Rescue Riggers Guide. Rick Lipke, Conterra, Inc, 1998

Theatre Backstage from A to Z Fourth Edition. Warren C. Lounsbury and Norman C. Boulanger, University of Washington Press, Seattle WA, 2000

Theater Technology Second Edition. George C. Izenour, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York , NY, 1997

Theatre Engineering and Stage Machinery. Toshiro Ogawa, Entertainment Technology Press, Japan, 2000

Theatrical Design & Production. J. Michael Gillette

U.S. Army Guide to Rigging, Department of the Army, Skyhorse Publishing, New York, New York, 2013.

Why Buildings Fall Down. Mathys Levy and Mario Salvadori, W.W. Norton & Co, Inc, New York, 1994

Why Buildings Stand Up. Mario Salvadori, W. W. Norton & Co, Inc, New York, 1990

*ETCP recognizes there is a demand for resource material and training courses to aid in examination preparation. In accordance with national standards, ETCP does not endorse, support, or provide examination preparation materials or courses.


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