Paper & Pencil Exams
ETCP is unable to schedule Paper & Pencil Examinations
until PSI is able to reopen their National Headquarters.
Your candidates are able to test at computer-centers, once their application is accepted by ETCP. For more information about changes brought about by the epidemic, read more...
On-Site Test Administration For Your Organization
You may host on-site paper and pencil examinations with proctors provided by our testing company, PSI. There are a few key points that you should be aware of when thinking about scheduling paper and pencil exams:
- All four exams may be offered for on-site testing. The exams may be offered concurrently or consecutively if you have candidates wishing to take more than one exam.
- Your organization may provide a location for testing, but the site must meet the Specifications for Testing Room Setup (PDF) set forth by PSI. There is an administrative fee of $675 (U.S. locations) or $1,050 (Canadian locations) to have PSI proctor at your site per three hour session.
- A testing site can be provided by PSI. The cost is $975 (U.S. locations) and $1,525 (Canadian locations).
- You may offer more than one type of examination during a testing session, but a $375 charge will apply for each additional examination type. Administration fees include the cost of providing proctor(s) and all test materials.
- Exams that are cancelled more than 45 days before will incur a $100 cancellation fee. Exams that are cancelled less than 45 days before the date of the exam will incur a $450 fee per exam session. PSI is very strict about this policy, so if you have to cancel due to lack of participation, please make sure you do so 45 days before. **ALL FEES MUST BE PAID IN U.S. DOLLARS.
- Your organization may request a specific date for the exam to be administered, subject to availability of proctors. Please be sure to submit at least one alternate date and give the time of day you wish the exam to be administered.
- Agreements for on-site test administrations must be submitted at least 8 weeks prior to the date of the requested examination. Submitting the ETCP On-Site Testing Agreement (PDF) as early as possible will help ensure that there are proctors available on your requested date.
- Any candidate wishing to take an examination must fill out an application and submit it to ETCP by the deadline determined by the Certification Manager. Candidates should fill out the "On-site Testing Application" and must fill in the location and organizational information. (All candidate fees must be in U.S. Dollars.) Applications submitted after the deadline may be accepted if space is available, but will incur a $25 late charge.
- ETCP will send out notices to candidates who are accepted to sit for the exam with the location and time of your on-site administration.
- ETCP must receive digital photos of the certificants to print ID Cards. Photos may be submitted by the certificants after the exam, a representative from your organization may take photos the day of the exam.
- Candidates must bring scale rules (for the rigging exams) and non-programmable calculators to the exams.
- ETCP and PSI will send out notices to the candidates with examination results within 6 weeks of the exam date.
- Should a candidate receive a failing score he/she may re-take the exam at one of PSI’s 190 Computer-Based Testing Centers throughout North America. Notice of intention to re-take the test must be submitted in writing to ETCP along with the retake fee.
Online Form
Click here to fill out your application over at our new web interface, the ETCP Information Portal (EIP). |

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