| New York, NY – The Entertainment Services and Technology Association (ESTA) is pleased to announce that Production Resource Group (PRG) has accepted a seat on ESTA’s Certification Council. PRG is one of the world's leading suppliers of entertainment technology equipment and solutions. PRG provides lighting, projection, audio, video, scenery and labor services for theatrical productions, trade shows, corporate events, sporting events, special events, television and film productions, themed attractions and environments, concert tours and automotive industry events. The ESTA Certification Council is the governing body which is managing the development and implementation of the Entertainment Technician Certification Program (ETCP), a new industry-wide program which will grant credentials in specific disciplines to entertainment technicians. Jere Harris, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, will serve as PRG’s principal representative to the Council and Fred Gallo, President – Scenic Operations, will serve as alternate representative. Jere Harris stated, “PRG is excited to be a part of this. With our depth of experience and commitment to developing new technologies, I am sure that PRG can make a significant contribution to the Council. It is an exciting time for our industry, with much change on the horizon. The efforts of ETCP will allow our industry to continue to be at the forefront of innovation and safety.” Information about PRG is available at www.prg.com. ESTA President Mike Wood commented, "ESTA is delighted to welcome PRG to the Certification Council. As a company which operates in just about every sphere of the entertainment industry PRG will bring an important broad perspective to the group." The ESTA Certification Council members are key leaders drawn from entertainment business, labor, facilities, associations, and academia representing the diversity of the entertainment industry. Membership includes AMPTP, CITT, CCE, IATSE, IAAM, ICIA, TEA, and USITT. With the help of the Council, the critical areas of electrical skills and rigging skills have been identified for initial development in the Entertainment Technician Certification Program. Please visit the ETCP website at www.etcp.esta.org for more information. |