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ETCP Electrical and Rigging Exam Deadline Approaching 2006-06-05 July 1, 2006 is the application deadline for the first ETCP (Entertainment Technician Certification Program) Entertainment Electrician examination, as well as for the Arena Rigging and Theatre Rigging examinations. Space is limited, so submit your application today! Those who pass these rigorous tests will become ETCP Certified - and will be recognized as the industry’s best. Examinations will be held in October 2006 in Las Vegas, NV in conjunction with the LDI tradeshow. The electrical certifications are designed for highly experienced electricians (including leads, supervisors, and managers of entertainment electrical work). The rigging certifications are designed for highly experienced riggers (rigging supervisors, high steel riggers, fly-persons, etc). Candidates must meet eligibility requirements.
Candidate information, including eligibility requirements and applications, is available on the ETCP website (, or if you would like the information mailed to you, please contact Katie Geraghty, ETCP Certification Director, at 212-244-1505 or
Interested applicants must submit their application, along with supporting materials and fee, postmarked no later than July 1, 2006.
The ETCP examinations are designed to test a well-defined body of knowledge representative of current professional practices. Successful completion of a certification examination verifies broad-based knowledge as an entertainment technician. Information regarding the content of the examinations is available in the candidate handbooks and on the ETCP website.
The ETCP Council members are key leaders drawn from entertainment business, labor, facilities, associations, and academia representing the diversity of the entertainment industry. Membership includes AMPTP, CITT, ESTA, IAAM, IATSE, InfoComm, The League, Live Nation, PRG, TEA, and USITT.

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