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AUGUST NEWS: FINAL DEADLINE EXTENSTION TO SEPT 1, REDUCED RETAKE FEE 2006-08-09 Due to the nature of our industry, ETCP understands that many candidates can not register until nearer to the examination date. Therefore, ETCP will extend the deadline one final time to September 1, 2006. This extension will accommodate those entertainment riggers and electricians who wish to take the October 2006 examinations in Las Vegas so they can attend the LDI show as well. In addition to the ETCP deadline extension, the ETCP Council would like to announce a reduction in the examination re-take fees. This decision is an effort is to reduce test anxiety by giving candidates a second chance to take the examination, if needed, at a much lower rate. Previously, the retake fee was $400 for constituents of ETCP Council member organizations, and $500 for non-constituents. The re-take rates are now $150 and $200, respectively.
If you would like more information, including candidate handbooks or application forms, please contact Katie Geraghty, ETCP Certification Director, at 212-244-1505 or
It is vital to ETCP that both the development process and the examinations themselves are professionally sound. The ETCP Council appointed these highly regarded subject matter experts (SMEs) to work with a firm contracted for psychometric (testing and measurement) services: Rick Baxter, Eric Bouchard, Jeanette Farmer, Ian Foulds, David Hatch, John Huntington, Tony Giovannetti, Dave Loftin, Jim Maloney, Alan Rowe, Nancy Shaw, and Ken Vannice (Chair).
The ETCP Council members are key leaders drawn from entertainment business, labor, facilities, associations, and academia representing the diversity of the entertainment industry. Membership includes AMPTP, CITT, ESTA, IAAM, IATSE, InfoComm, The League, Live Nation, PRG, TEA, and USITT.

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