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FEBRUARY 15TH REGISTRATION DEADLINE FOR ETCP EXAMS AT USITT 2008 2008-01-15 Know your stuff? Prove it! Take the ETCP exam to show off your skills! Employers are searching for ETCP Certified Technicians to fill lead positions. The ETCP Council is pleased to announce another opportunity for technicians to take the electrical, arena rigging, and theatre rigging examinations in a paper and pencil administration. All three ETCP examinations will be offered at the USITT Conference and Stage Expo on March 21 & 22, 2008 in Houston, TX. Entertainment Electrical Exam: March 21, 2008 (2:00 pm) Arena Rigging Exam: March 22, 2008 (9:00 am) Theatre Rigging Exam: March 22, 2008 (2:00 pm) Interested applicants must submit their application, along with supporting materials and fee, postmarked by February 15, 2008. Space is limited, so submit your application today! If you would like more information or would like eligibility requirements or applications sent to you, please contact Meredith Moseley-Bennett, ETCP Certification Coordinator, at or 212-244-1505. Complete information is also available on the ETCP website: If you are unable to attend USITT, you can apply to take an examination at a computer testing center near you. All three exams are available at over 190 testing centers in the U.S. and Canada on most business days. The ETCP Council members are key leaders drawn from entertainment business, labor, facilities, associations, and academia representing the diversity of the entertainment industry. Membership includes AMPTP, BASE Entertainment, Cirque du Soleil / MGM MIRAGE, CITT, ESTA, IAAM, IATSE, InfoComm, The League, Live Nation, PRG, TEA, and USITT. ETCP is an ESTA initiative created to promote industry safety.

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