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NEW COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT BETWEEN NATIONAL PRODUCTION SERVICES, INC. AND THE IATSE 2008-09-24 The IATSE and National Production Services Inc have modified their current collective bargaining agreement to call for journeyman riggers employed by National Production Services Inc. to pass either the Theater or Arena Rigging Entertainment Technician Certification Program (ETCP) exam by December 2008. National Production Services Inc. is a leading provider of rigging services at luxury hotels and resorts throughout Florida and North East Texas. "It is a pleasure to work with union officials who are as committed to safety as we are. The Entertainment Technician Certification Program is the best way for all riggers to demonstrate that they are knowledgeable and experienced and in my opinion, knowledge and experience are the most important criteria to consider when determining if a person is competent to hang heavy equipment overhead," said Brad Kagel, the company's President. Brian Lawlor, International Vice-President and Co-Director of Stage-craft with the IATSE commented on the collective bargaining agreement as well, "It became apparent after speaking with Brad at NPS that getting all of his riggers certified through the ETCP was necessary in order for his company to remain competitive and expand. Our affected local's responded affirmatively to this challenge and I congratulate them for stepping up to the plate on behalf of their members and the industry." If you are interested in becoming a Certified Rigger-Arena, Rigger-Theatre, or Entertainment Electrician, you can find the candidate handbooks, applications and eligibility requirements at For more information you may send an email to, or call 212-244-1505. The ETCP Council members are key leaders drawn from entertainment business, labor, facilities, associations, and academia representing the diversity of the entertainment industry. Membership includes AMPTP, BASE Entertainment, Broadway Across America, The Broadway League, Cirque du Soleil/MGM MIRAGE, CITT, ESTA, IAAM, IATSE, InfoComm, The League, Live Nation, PRG, SHAPE, TEA, and USITT. ETCP is an ESTA initiative created to promote industry safety.

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