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SAN DIEGO CONVENTION CENTER REQUIRES ETCP CERTIFIED RIGGING SUPERVISORS 2009-03-09 In an effort to effectively insure life safety and maintain the structural integrity of the space, the award-winning San Diego Convention Center has revised its rigging requirements. Among the new requirements, the policy states that all rigging installations must be done under the supervision of a Rigging Supervisor who is certified through the Entertainment Technician Certification Program (ETCP). "As an early supporter of the Entertainment Technician Certification Program, we at I.A.T.S.E. Local 122, understand the value of supporting the vision of ETCP to provide a benchmark set to establish the skill levels of technicians within our profession," said Carlos Cota, I.A.T.S.E. 122's Business Agent. "So, when the San Diego Convention Center proposed a change in their rigging policy stating that there would be an ETCP certified rigger on every rigging call to supervise any rigging installations at the Convention Center, we were on board immediately. We are glad to see SDCC's support and recognition of the ETCP program as a nationally recognized standard in the entertainment industry. " There are three ways employees can be tested to receive certification. The exams are available for computer based-testing and a candidate can make arrangements to take the exam at one of 190 testing centers around the U.S and Canada. If a company has as few as ten candidates interested in taking the exam, ETCP can arrange for on-site test administration. The examinations will also be administered in conjunction with the LDI Show in November 2009 in Orlando, FL. For candidate handbooks, applications and eligibility requirements visit, email, or call 212-244-1505. The ETCP Council members are key leaders drawn from entertainment business, labor, facilities, associations, and academia representing the diversity of the entertainment industry. Membership includes AMPTP, BASE Entertainment, Broadway Across America, The Broadway League, Cirque du Soleil/MGM MIRAGE, CITT, Disney Theatrical Productions, ESTA, IAAM, IATSE, InfoComm, The League, Live Nation, PRG, NBC Universal, SHAPE, TEA, and USITT. ETCP is an ESTA initiative created to promote industry safety.

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