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ETCP LAUNCHES WEB-BASED PRACTICE EXAMS 2009-07-01 The Entertainment Technician Certification Program (ETCP) will launch practice exams for the Rigger - Arena, Rigger - Theatre and Entertainment Electrician certification exams on July 15, 2009. The web-based practice exams will consist of fifty questions and are available from that date forward for thirty-five dollars at Candidates should go to the "Candidates" and then follow the menu to ETCP where can choose one of the three exams. The ETCP Council understands that there is a certain amount of fear surrounding the exams because many candidates have not taken an exam in quite some time and/or may be unfamiliar with computer-based testing. The fifty question practice exams will provide candidates with a valuable tool for self assessment. There is no application process with the practice exams; so any interested candidate will be able to take the exam privately at home, at the office or on the road whenever it is most convenient for him or her. "I speak with candidates every day who are intimidated by this exam," said Meredith Moseley-Bennett, the ETCP Certification Manager, "Our hope is that the candidates who opt to take the practice exams will go into the actual exam feeling more comfortable and confident because they have gotten a general sense of the exams beforehand. Since the practice exams are exactly one-third of the test questions of the final exams, the candidates can time themselves for one hour to make sure they are answering the questions within the proper time-frame. At the end of the practice exams, candidates will be provided with a score report that is divided into the broad areas of the content outline which will help them get a sense of the areas that need more attention."
The ETCP Council members are key leaders drawn from entertainment business, labor, facilities, associations, and academia representing the diversity of the entertainment industry. Membership includes AMPTP, BASE Entertainment, Broadway Across America, The Broadway League, Cirque du Soleil/MGM MIRAGE, CITT, Disney Theatrical Productions, ESTA, IAAM, IATSE, InfoComm, The League, Live Nation, PRG, NBC Universal, SHAPE, TEA, and USITT. ETCP is an ESTA initiative created to promote industry safety. ###

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