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ETCP EXAMS TRANSLATED TO FRENCH 2010-02-18 The Conseil québécois des ressources humaines en culture (CQRHC) and CITT are pleased to announce that the ETCP exams for entertainment riggers will be available in French as of spring 2010. After five months of work, CITT is very proud to announce that the inaugural administration of the French paper and pencil ETCP Arena and Theatre Rigging exams will take place in Montréal on Tuesday April 27, 2010 on the eve of the opening of EN COULISSE at the Palais des congrès de Montréal. Another first: both French and English paper and pen exams will be administrated simultaneously. In the meantime, interested French-speaking riggers can assess their skills prior to applying for the certification exam by taking the 50-question rigging practice exams, which will be launched on-line on March 1, 2010.
The French certification exams will be available only in the paper and pencil format. CITT, through its regional sections will work towards ensuring Francophone riggers have regular access to the exams throughout the year.
The SMEs for arena rigging were Patrick Chassin, Hugo Hamel, François Laurion, Stéphane Mayrand, Ewen Seagel and Claude Sergerie. The SMEs for theatre rigging were David Charbonneau, Jean-François Dubé, Jean-Yves Laroche, Pierre Masse, Colin Noël, and Brian Parker.

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