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ETCP ANNOUNCES RECOGNITION FOR CONTRACTORS 2011-04-20 The Entertainment Technician Certification Program (ETCP) Council is pleased to announce an addition to the Employer and Labor Provider Recognition Programs: ETCP Recognized Contractor. This program has been initiated to recognize organizations who utilize ETCP Recognized Employers and/or ETCP Certified Technicians on projects and job sites. This designation would be appropriate for designers, integrators, producers, and production companies. It would also be applicable for venues such as performing arts centers, arenas, museums, theme parks, and houses of worship. Many organizations find ETCP Recognition and the ETCP logo to be effective marketing tools. ETCP Recognized Contractors may utilize the special ETCP Recognized logo which identifies them as a "Contractor of ETCP Certified Technicians." These logos may be used on company letterhead, on a website, and in advertising materials. Organizations who accept these Best Practices show a strong commitment to safety and stand behind the principles of the Entertainment Technician Certification Program. Organizations receiving ETCP Recognition will be listed on the ETCP website along with contact information as well as a link to the organization's web site. If you are interested in having your organization ETCP Recognized, please complete and return the appropriate Best Practices Agreement. The guidelines and application form are available online at If you would like the information mailed or emailed to you, please contact Meredith Moseley-Bennett, ETCP Certification Manager, at 212-244-1505 or with your contact information.
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